Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Ex dancer of Lady Gaga lost 70% of his hearing

Graham Breitenstein, who was dancer for Lady Gaga, alleges that he lost 70% of the hearing in his left ear while performing on Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball Tour around 2010.

According to Breitenstein, his left ear sounded like “the crowd was in my ear the whole time.” 

Initially Breitenstein saw a doctor which was brought on tour but was not given proper medication to treat it. The problem continues and he wasn't given a chance to see a specialist for roughly six weeks.

When he finally manage to see a specialist, he was told that he had permanently lost 70 percent of the hearing in his left ear. 

He shared, “It could have been reversed if it was treated in the first two weeks of the onset with a direct shot of steroids. But we were six weeks [in], and it was too late. I would have to live the rest of my life with 30 percent of hearing in my left ear and full hearing in my right ear. So to say that I was devastated... is an understatement.”

Lady Gaga’s assistant choreographer Richy Jackson at the time, told him to keep his condition as a secret, or else he would get fired. 

According to Breitenstein, Lady Gaga was never made aware of any of this.

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