Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lady Gaga was force to stop her Miami concert due to lightning

Lady Gaga was force to stop her Miami concert at Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium due to lightning (2022).

She told the audience, “I’m sorry that we can’t finish but I don’t want to put your life in danger and I don’t want to put our life in danger.”

Later on she posted a video online to apologizes to her fans and said, “We really tried to finish the show tonight in Miami.”

“What I really want is to also be responsible and loving. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to anyone in the audience, or to any member of my crew, my band [or] my dancers.”

In another post, she wrote, “The lightning was being unpredictable and changing moment by moment. Look, for years some of you have called me ‘mother monster,’ in my heart I knew it was better to keep you safe. Thank you for believing in me.”

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