Monday, August 8, 2011

Lady Gaga appear in Britney Spears' Femme Fatale show

Lady Gaga was present at Britney Spears' Femme Fatale show which was on Saturday night in Atlantic City.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lady Gaga dressed up as guy

Lady Gaga dressed up as guy on the cover art to her next single.

The song titled, "You and I," is nothing new.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lady Gaga is accused for another plagiarism

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Not a good year for Lady Gaga because she has been accused for copying this and that. The latest one was her song “Born This Way” was said to have the idea from Madonna’s 1989 song “Express Yourself.”


Friday, August 5, 2011

Lady Gaga may act as Amy Winehouse film

There were rumors circulating around saying there will be a film about Amy Winehouse's life and Lady Gaga may take the role.

One source said, “Lady Gaga worshiped Amy and would love nothing more than to transform herself into her idol on the big screen. She’d be spot on performing Amy’s songs and has the right look and bolshy attitude.”


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How long does it take for Lady Gaga to dress up?

We all know that Lady Gaga will dress many uncanny clothes and accessories. How long does she needs to complete dressing?

Time taken to wear dogtooth embroidered sunglasses: 24 minutes

Time taken to blow-dried, platinum highlighted hair: 74 minutes

Time taken to make-up by assistant and paint legs to match her dress: 58 minutes

Time taken to paint nails: 12 minutes, 3 seconds

Time taken to wear hat: Four minutes

Time taken to wear vinateg: Three minutes, 12 seconds

She took 2 HOURS,55 MINUTES AND 15 SECONDS to dress up in total


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lady Gaga's dad helped overcome hard drugs

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Lady Gaga was on The View on Monday morning as co-host and performer. She sat next to Joy Behar and Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

One of the topic was about Amy Winehouse’s death that leads Barbara Walters to quote about Lady Gaga's past addictions.

She said about Winehouse's death, “I’m just so devastated and so sad.I really couldn’t speak for…48 hours straight. I was in such shock.”

“The most unfortunate thing about it all is the way that the media spins things, like we can learn things from Amy’s death. I don’t feel that Amy needed to learn any lessons. I felt that the lesson was for the world to be kinder to the superstar.”

Then she continues “Everyone was so hard on her, and everything I knew about her is that she was the most lovely, and nice, and kind woman."

About her own past addiction, she said, "I did hard drugs. I was so embarrassed. My dad sort of called me out about it one day. I don’t do any hard drugs anymore, [but] I am a little part of the green club."

“My dad was like, ‘I know what you’re doing. Just so you know, I did it, and I lost every friend, and everything I ever had while I did it. He shared with me his life story and his struggle, so that was what ultimately changed my life.”


Monday, August 1, 2011

Lady Gaga feels like a tramp when she hangs out with Tony Bennett

Lady Gaga hangs out with Tony Bennett and she posted a picture of her with him in her Twitter and wrote "Hangin' out with my buddy Tony having a whiskey. Feel like such a tramp."
